When many people think of oral health, they think of their teeth. After all, your teeth are by far the most visible part of your smile. That means people assume that straight, white teeth mean a healthy mouth, while misaligned and discolored teeth mean an unhealthy mouth.
However, oral health is often dictated more by gum health than the appearance of teeth. It’s possible for someone with a dazzling white smile to have poor oral health and even be at risk of tooth loss, while someone with a less “photo-ready” smile may have excellent oral health with little to no risk of complications.
Because oral health is so strongly linked to gum health, here are a few reasons to keep yours in tip-top shape.
Gum Disease Is Linked to Serious Health Problems
Having poor oral health and bad gums doesn’t just put you at risk of having tooth-related issues. It can even increase your risk of developing potentially fatal conditions like heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. That’s because gum disease can result in the buildup of bacteria and inflammation, which can damage blood vessels in the heart and brain.
Unhealthy Gums Can Increase the Risk of Oral Cancer
Cancer is often caused by chronic inflammation. People whose gums bleed frequently have chronically inflamed gums. Over time, that inflammation can increase their chances of developing certain types of oral cancers or even cancer in other parts of their bodies.
Weakened and Diseased Gums Can Cause Teeth to Fall Out
Gums help support teeth throughout a person’s lifetime. When they become severely inflamed or weakened, especially over a long period of time, they can also cause teeth to become unhealthy. Eventually, people with severe gum disease may experience tooth loss—but only after long periods of pain, bleeding, and other complications.
Preventive Gum Treatment Means Better Oral Health and Fewer Costly Procedures
The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is particularly true in the dental field. Mild gum disease is easily treatable, but when it’s advanced, it can wreak havoc on the entire body. Don’t risk it!
Request a dental appointment with our team today. We’ll deep clean your mouth from top to bottom and help you understand where your oral health stands. Trust your smile with our team of experts.